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Volunteer with HEN


Volunteers make all the difference

Volunteers are the life blood of HEN. The time, energy and skills that are gifted to our organisation enable us to grow ever more fully into the thriving vision of sharing the legacy that has been given to us. Please go here to see our Call for Stewardship that details the intention and journey of continuing Ron’s work through HEN. 

Volunteering can be a beautiful way to deepen your path of Hakomi. In stepping forward and offering your time, energy and skills, you will be joining a community of other Hakomi practitioners, all dedicated in their own way of supporting the method to flourish.

As with all expressions of Hakomi, volunteering can be an active opportunity to self-study and to deepen into the practice of loving kindness.  

A Welcome Message

We Deeply Appreciate You

Gracias, Merci  , ありがとう , Grazie  , Danke, , Bedankt, Obrigada, asante, Спасибо, 谢谢, Dzięki, Takk skal du ha, Toda, Tēnā koe, Diolch, Dankie, ngiyabonga, täname, Thank you.

Disclaimer: We've done our best to include everyone who has contributed to HEN. Let us know if you know a name that we've missed or misspelled.

Monthly Volunteer Gatherings

No hay eventos en este momento

Open Opportunities

Open Positions

To apply for a position, please send your CV/resume and a cover letter to


Explore this amazing opportunity to support a vital function in the organization.

Translation Coordinator

Explore this amazing opportunity to support a vital function in the organization.

HEN Ethics Circle Member

Explore this amazing opportunity to support a vital function in the organization.

Volunteer Coordinator

Explore this amazing opportunity to support a vital function in the organization.


Explore this amazing opportunity to support a vital function in the organization.

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