Was ist Hakomi?
Die Hakomi-Methode ist eine Form der achtsamkeitsbasierten unterstützten Selbstfindung. Ron Kurtz begann in den 1970er Jahren mit der Entwicklung von Hakomi und entwickelte und verfeinerte die Methode bis zu seinem Tod im Jahr 2011 weiter. Bei seinem Tod vertraute er die Methode seinen Nachlassinhabern an.
Hakomi finden
Hakomi Education Network (HEN) is dedicated to supporting people experiencing and learning Hakomi as the legacy of the founder, Ron Kurtz. In doing so, we embody and share an open-hearted way of relating and supporting our human potential. HEN trainings emphasize experiential learning and are characterized by demonstrations and experiential exercises. HEN supports and promotes trainings throughout the world, but they are delivered by independent training centres both in-person and online.
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Learn about Hakomi through people's stories of their experience.