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Assisted Self-Discovery

A gentle yet powerful body-centered approach to personal development, growth and healing


What is Hakomi?

The Hakomi Method is a form of mindfulness-based assisted self-discovery. Ron Kurtz began developing Hakomi in the 1970's and continued to evolve and refine the method until his death in 2011. At his death he entrusted the method to his legacy holders. 

What is the Hakomi Education Network?

Hakomi Education Network (HEN) is an international association dedicated to supporting people experiencing and learning Hakomi as Ron Kurtz’s legacy. In this way, we embody and share an open-hearted way of relating and supporting our human potential. HEN trainings emphasize experiential learning and are characterized by demonstrations and experiential exercises. HEN supports and promotes trainings throughout the world, and they are delivered by independent training centres both in-person and online. 

Hakomi Stories

Learn about Hakomi through people's stories of their experience.

Our Next Event

  • Finding Movement in Stuck-ness
    Finding Movement in Stuck-ness
    07. Feb. 2025, 09:00 – 12:00 GMT-8
    Feeling stuck is an experience that many of us share at different times in our lives. It comes with a feeling of discomfort and an inability to move out of the place we find ourselves. Join HEN trainers Caroline & Bettina to experience the intrinsic movement of being and inner wisdom.
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